What to Expect from a Vaginal MRSA (Staph) Infection

MRSA germs are frequently discovered in the vulva and other external genitalia’s creases. Vaginal canal internal infections are also a possibility.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus is known by the acronym MRSA. The bacteria are usually found in the folds of the external genitalia and are linked to skin illnesses.
The internal canal that joins the uterus to the exterior of the body is referred to as the “vagina.” The term “vulva” describes the exterior genital organs, such as the clitoris, labia, and clitoral hood.
Even though the phrase “vaginal MRSA” is frequently used to refer to both internal and external infections brought on by the bacteria, this article, when possible, makes a distinction between internal and exterior vulvar infections.
The frequency of MRSA infections in the vulvar and vaginal regions is unknown.
In a 2011 study, 315 teenagers between the ages of 13 and 24 who were sexually active had their wet mount samples examined.
They discovered MRSA in two samples and Staphylococcus aureus germs in sixteen. Based on these results, researchers calculated that less than 1% of women are vaginally active overall.
Pregnancy may increase the frequency of vaginal MRSA, according to a 2006 study.

What are the symptoms of vaginal MRSA?

Typically, external MRSA infections present with obvious symptoms like:
  • abscesses
  • boils
  • redness
  • swelling
  • cysts
According to Monte Swarup, MD, OB-GYN, the creator of the website Vaginal Health Hub, “It looks similar to an ingrown pubic hair, often.” Swarup told Healthline this.
Barry Peskin, MD, OB-GYN, medical adviser at Happy V, stated that symptoms of internal MRSA infections affecting the vaginal canal may resemble those of bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, or other common vaginal infections.
Internal MRSA infection symptoms include:
  • burning or stinging near the vaginal entrance or inside the vaginal canal
  • a change in consistency or an increase in vaginal discharge
  • discomfort during any type of insertion
  • unpleasant-smelling smell
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What causes vaginal MRSA, and who’s at risk?

The main way that MRSA spreads is through skin-to-skin contact. The germs are mobile and can move from one place to another. The vaginal canal is frequently the point of entry for MRSA during coupled sexual activity.
Your risk of infection may be increased by specific factors, including:
  • wiping back to the front
  • immunodeficiency disorders
  • recent antibiotic use
  • catheter use
  • times of weakened immunity
“Remaining in places like hospitals and shelters, where there are sick people in cramped quarters, increases the risk of contracting MRSA in people,” added Swarup.

How is vaginal MRSA diagnosed?

MRSA infections can be identified by doctors in two different methods. For instance, a medical practitioner can take a sample of pus or discharge to assess if you have a boil or broken skin.
If there are no obvious wounds, a medical practitioner will probably suggest a blood or urine test.

How is vaginal MRSA treated?

After diagnosis, boils, cysts and abscesses can be excised or drained. A medical practitioner could recommend medicine to reduce discomfort and ease irritability.
According to Swarup, MRSA germs are resistant to the common antibiotics used to treat bacterial infections, as suggested by the word “methicillin-resistant” in their name.
A medical practitioner will recommend a specific regimen of intravenous, topical, or oral antibiotics. Additionally, after you’ve finished the entire course of therapy, they can suggest that you come back for a “test of cure.”

What’s the overall outlook for someone with vaginal MRSA?

The likelihood of problems might be decreased with prompt identification and treatment. Seek to get medical help right away if you experience:
  • fever or chills
  • severe pain
  • bloody urine
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If treatment for internal vaginal MRSA infections is not received, pelvic inflammatory illness may result. The reproductive organs may eventually get scarred as a result of this.


How does your body feel when you have MRSA?

A red, swollen, and painful area on the skin

How serious is MRSA staph infection?

They can cause serious infections that can lead to sepsis or death.

Can MRSA be cured completely?

Some antibiotics can treat MRSA and make the infection go away.

Can I work if I have MRSA?

Most people with MRSA infections can go to work.

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