What Is Urea and How Does It Help Psoriasis?

What Is Urea and How Does It Help Psoriasis

Psoriasis and other dermatological disorders can be treated using urea, a chemical that is found naturally in the skin.
The inflammatory skin disorder psoriasis affects the skin. Skin cells swiftly proliferate and increase as a result of it. The skin develops thick, scaly, and irritating plaques as a result.
Psoriasis sufferers occasionally also have joint pain, inflammatory eyes, and changes in their nails.
Psoriasis can be treated in several ways. They function by either lowering skin inflammation or delaying the synthesis of new skin cells. This lessens the thickness, redness, and itching of psoriatic plaques.
Topical therapies are typically the initial line of treatment for mild to moderate psoriasis. One component of topical treatments for psoriasis management is urea.
Find out how it functions and why it can be beneficial for your psoriasis.

What is urea?

The skin’s outermost layer is where urea is naturally found. In psoriasis and other skin disorders, the amount of urea is decreased.
Psoriasis plaque thickness can be decreased using urea. It can also take the place of water and strengthen the epidermis’ defences against osmotic stress and cellular deterioration.
Urea is available for purchase as various creams, lotions, and other skin care items. Skin care products contain lab-made urea.

How does it work for psoriasis?

The product will function differently based on the urea concentration. Products containing urea, even in small amounts, can aid in maintaining the moisture content of your skin. Psoriasis scales can be softened and removed with the use of products with a higher concentration of urea.
Water is drawn to and retained by urea in the skin. Urea is therefore a good moisturiser.
Wound healing has historically been aided by the use of urea. It can help prevent and combat bacterial infections because of its antibacterial qualities.
Additionally, urea reduces the rate at which new skin cells are produced. For psoriasis, where skin cells proliferate quickly, this is beneficial. It might lessen scaly plaque development.


Products that are sold without a prescription contain urea. It might work well as a moisturiser.
Additionally, it aids in scaling psoriasis removal. After other topical treatments have improved access to the skin, urea-based products for the removal of scaly plaques can help them function more effectively.

Side effects

In general, urea is relatively well tolerated. It is regarded as safe for psoriasis sufferers. It’s also frequently used to treat other dry skin issues. Sometimes it might cause discolouration or inflammation, particularly on delicate skin areas or in youngsters.

Similar treatments

For psoriasis, there are various therapies available. Certain products are applied topically to the skin to moisturise, eliminate or soften scales, or lessen inflammation. Oral or injectable medicines are additional therapies for psoriasis. Additionally, light treatment helps some people.
Through the maintenance of a healthy skin barrier, urea helps your skin retain moisture. Urea and other moisturisers function similarly.
Check the ingredients list for additional moisturising substances such as:
  • shea butter
  • ceramides
  • aloe vera
  • glycerin
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Another keratolytic agent is urea. Treatments using keratolytics aid in the removal of extra skin cells.
Other components that are keratolytic to search for include:
  • salicylic acid
  • lactic acid

Urea with psoriasis medications

Medicines for psoriasis plaques may be more effective if they are applied with a “scale lifter” or “scale softener,” such as a urea-containing product. Medication or another product can more easily reach the skin to lessen inflammation and minimise the accumulation of scales once the scales are removed.
Adjuvant therapy, or treatment administered in addition to the primary treatment, may include urea. It can assist in supplementing other topical treatments, which are frequently regarded as the first line of treatment for psoriasis.
You may still utilise topical therapies to help manage your symptoms if you require a more comprehensive treatment to lower inflammation throughout your body.

Potential interactions

In general, urea is well tolerated. Since it dissolves in water, combining it with other substances to make skin care products is simple. Although more concentrated products may irritate some people, this normally goes away on its own.
It could also cause the skin to thin. If you use a topical steroid that can also thin your skin, such as hydrocortisone, be mindful of this. Any topical steroid has the potential to thin skin.


Psoriasis and other skin disorders can be effectively managed with the use of urea-based treatments.
It is effective in removing scales and as a moisturiser. It can improve the effectiveness of other topical treatments and is well-tolerated.
Long-term usage of products containing urea is common.

The takeaway

A common element in the treatment of psoriasis and other skin disorders is urea. Generally speaking, using it is safe and doesn’t require a prescription.
Urea is frequently used in combination with other goods and pharmaceuticals. Other skin care products’ effectiveness may be enhanced by urea.
If you have any questions about controlling your psoriasis, it’s a good idea to consult your physician or chemist.

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