What Is Non-Fluent Primary Progressive Aphasia? | LifestyleDietBlog.com

What Is Non-Fluent Primary Progressive Aphasia
What Is Non-Fluent Primary Progressive Aphasia

Your capacity to communicate verbally is impacted by non-fluent primary progressive aphasia (nvfPPA). Your speech may start to sound laboured and halting.
The areas of the brain that manage speech and language are impacted by non-fluent primary progressive aphasia (nvfPPA). This form of dementia impairs your capacity for speech. The agrammatic form of PPA is another name for it.
When speaking, nfvPPA patients frequently make grammatical mistakes. For instance, they could mess up word order in sentences and use the wrong tenses. It could become quite difficult for them to speak.
Similar to other PPA forms, nvfPPA often worsens over time as the symptoms progressively worsen. People with PPA may eventually experience motor symptoms, such as trouble eating.
There is no known treatment for nvfPPA, although there are techniques to control the symptoms.

What does non-fluent primary progressive aphasia mean?

The disorder known as aphasia impairs your capacity for language use and comprehension. It might be brought on by a sudden illness like a stroke. However, it can also take place gradually, as with some types of dementia.
5 to 39 people per million are affected by the relatively uncommon condition NvfPPA.
NvfPPA is a kind of frontotemporal dementia known as primary progressive aphasia (PPA).
Your brain’s frontotemporal regions have an impact on how you use and comprehend language. Your capacity to speak and comprehend spoken words may be impacted by impairment in certain brain regions.
While several types of frontotemporal dementia include behavioural effects, nvfPPA mostly has an impact on speech and spoken language comprehension. Even if you may have trouble understanding complicated sentences, you may still be able to remember the meaning of specific words.

What are the symptoms of nvfPPA?

Someone may discover that speaking is getting harder for them in the early stages of nvfPPA.
There are several signs of nvfPPA:
  • problem with sentence construction
  • difficulties correctly pronouncing words
  • having trouble comprehending lengthy or complex phrases
  • sluggish, laboured speech
  • grammar mistakes, such as ambiguous verb tenses
  • frequently pausing to locate words and leaving out or using the incorrect word in place of connecting words (such as “to,” “and,” or “then”).
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The person will still be able to understand the meanings of individual words in the early stages of nvfPPA. Their actions and physical capabilities may be unaffected. In addition, they can still reason, think, and recall when it comes to non-linguistic tasks.
The signs of nvfPPA, however, usually get worse with time.
Later signs of nvfPPA could include:
  • motor issues, like stiff movement or difficulty with balance
  • becoming mute
  • difficulty swallowing
All of these later symptoms are not experienced by all individuals with nvfPPA.

What are the types of non-fluent aphasia?

Among the varieties of non-fluent aphasia are:
  • Broca’s aphasia: Speaking is especially challenging for people with Broca’s aphasia, therefore you might use short phrases rather than lengthy sentences. You are still capable of comprehending others and knowing what to say. On one side of your body, you can feel some weakness or paralysis in the limbs.
  • Transcortical motor aphasia: This type causes you to be able to grasp words but not communicate effectively; you frequently react slowly or in short phrases. The repetition of words and phrases may sometimes be a problem.
  • Global aphasia: Global aphasia, which is regarded as a severe kind, makes it difficult to understand language as well as to communicate verbally.
Even though all of these non-fluent aphasias share a common aetiology in dementia, not all PPA subtypes share this trait. For instance, Broca’s aphasia might result from dementia, a stroke, or brain damage.

What is the difference between fluent and non-fluent aphasia?

Speech is impacted by both fluent and nonfluent aphasia.
It will be challenging and laborious to talk if you have non-fluent aphasia, but you could still be able to grasp the majority of what someone else is saying.
Fluent aphasia makes it easier for you to speak, but the words you use make no sense. You might utilise illogical or made-up terminology. Comprehending is usually more difficult for those with fluent aphasia than for those without it.

What causes nvfPPA?

When dementia affects the frontotemporal region of the brain, nvfPPA occurs. These regions could shrink or atrophy, which would harm the brain’s nerve cells.

Risk factors for nvfPPA

You may be at risk of getting nvfPPA if you have any of the following conditions:
  • Age: Between the ages of 50 and 70, on average, PPA instances begin, according to Trusted Source. However, it can happen to either older or younger persons.
  • Dementia or other neurological conditions run in the family: You are more likely to develop PPA if you have a blood relative who already has it.
  • Certain genetic mutations: Although some gene mutations have been linked to nfvPPA, research indicates that these mutations are infrequently the root cause of the condition.
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Men and women appear to be equally impacted by nvfPPA, therefore gender doesn’t appear to be a factor.

Treatment for nvfPPA

No treatment exists for nvfPPA. Instead, nvfPPA treatment focuses on controlling the signs and symptoms to prolong your quality of life.
Speech-language therapy is the major treatment for PPA. This can be useful for:
  • As much as you can, work on your communication skills
  • discovering new means of communication, such as sketching images or using motions
  • using assistive communication technology to treat food chewing and swallowing issues
Additionally, your medical staff might advise using techniques like:
  • carrying a card in your wallet that indicates you have aphasia and what it implies keeping a pen and paper close by to help you communicate
  • affiliating with a support group for aphasics
  • speaking and communicating more to hone your abilities and boost your confidence
  • keeping your family and loved ones informed about your illness and soliciting their assistance so that you can carry on doing the things you enjoy — such as hobbies, socialising, exercising, and working — for as long as you can.
You can converse and keep up your quality of life using these techniques for as long as possible.
No drug has, to date, been demonstrated to be helpful for those with nvfPPA.
Depression is a possibility for those who have aphasia. Your treatment provider may advise utilising antidepressant medication in this situation. You and your family members can learn to accept your illness with the use of talk therapy and counselling.
The possibility of using transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) to help patients with language difficulties is currently being researched. This is a non-invasive, low-cost kind of treatment that might halt the loss of language skills. More study is required.

What is the life expectancy for nvfPPA?

The lifespan of those who have nvfPPA can be unpredictable. People with nvfPPA had an average lifespan of 7.69 years following the commencement of their symptoms, according to a recent study. According to additional studies, patients with PPA may experience their illness for an average of 8 to 10 years.


When you have non-fluent primary progressive aphasia (nvfPPA), it is difficult to communicate verbally.
Speech-language therapy can help you maintain your capacity to communicate for as long as possible even though the symptoms may gradually worsen over time. You can retain a high quality of life by using various coping mechanisms and communication methods.


Is primary progressive aphasia fluent or nonfluent?

Nonfluent-agrammatic variant

Is aphasia a brain disorder?

Aphasia is a language disorder

Can a neurologist help with aphasia?

You’ll then see a doctor who specializes in disorders of the nervous system (neurologist)

How is aphasia diagnosed?

Aphasia is typically first seen by the doctor who is treating the patient’s brain injury. The majority of people will have a computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan to both confirm the occurrence of a brain injury and pinpoint its exact location.

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