What Are the Stages of Ocular Migraine? | LifestyleDietBlog.com

What Are the Stages of Ocular Migraine
What Are the Stages of Ocular Migraine

Either a conventional migraine attack with aura or a retinal migraine attack can indicate an ocular migraine. Aura-accompanied migraines are more likely to develop in four phases.
Retinal migraine and migraine with aura are the two kinds of ocular migraine, sometimes known as migraine with visual abnormalities.
Retinal migraine does not progress in phases as regular migraine does.
A typical migraine attack, including aura-related occurrences, progresses through four stages. These consist of:
  • Premonitory symptoms: These can appear up to 24 hours before a migraine attack and include cravings for certain foods, changes in your mood, excessive urination, or fluid retention.
  • Aura: During this subsequent stage, migraineurs with aura may encounter visual problems. Muscle tremors and momentary speech loss are two other potential aura symptoms.
  • Headache: Although it isn’t present in every migraine attack, the third stage is when most people have a really bad headache. Migraine headaches may be accompanied by other symptoms including nausea and light sensitivity, and they can continue for hours or days.
  • Postdrome: It can continue a whole day, and the last stage is one of fatigue and perhaps disorientation.
Although there aren’t any official phases to an ocular migraine attack, you can expect certain triggers, a certain timeline, and other things.

Timeline of an Ocular Migraine

The main symptoms of ocular migraine are transient visual alterations. Depending on the sort of migraine you experience, they can last anywhere from a few minutes to an hour or longer. Attacks of retinal migraines frequently result in brief periods of blindness or blurred vision.
Visual abnormalities are often the first symptom of ocular migraine, which is frequently followed by a debilitating migraine headache.
One eye only is affected by a retinal migraine. With this kind, you might encounter:
  • coloured spots
  • zig-zag lines
  • blurry vision
  • temporary peripheral vision loss
  • twinkling lights
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On the other hand, migraine with aura impacts both eyes. You can observe:
  • zig-zag lines
  • flashing lights
  • stars
  • patterns
  • temporary blind spots

How long does an ocular migraine last?

A bout of retinal migraine usually lasts for several minutes. Rarely does it go past an hour.
The commencement of a migraine headache typically precedes the onset of visual alterations, though these two events can occasionally co-occur. You can get a severe headache and momentary vision disturbances at this time.
A migraine attack with aura might persist for four to seventy-two hours.

What triggers an ocular migraine?

If you have a personal or family history of migraine, you may be more likely to develop ocular migraine. Additionally, women in their 30s are particularly susceptible to this type of migraine.
The causes of ocular migraines are comparable to those of other migraine types. Too much screen time and exposure to bright or flashing lights maybe some of these causes.
Ocular migraines can be brought on by a variety of factors, but commonly include:
  • loud noises
  • low blood sugar
  • alcohol consumption
  • smoking
  • stress
  • sleep problems
  • exercise
  • hormone fluctuations
  • Birth control pills (oral contraceptives)
  • excessive heat or cold
  • not drinking enough water
  • strong odours

When to worry about ocular migraine symptoms

Ocular migraines are transient conditions that are not life-threatening. Consider discussing your symptoms with a doctor if you think you might be experiencing a migraine with an aura or a retinal migraine. They can provide a precise diagnosis of your ailment and suggest a course of action.
Prescription drugs, over-the-counter painkillers for head pain, and avoidance of triggers are possible treatments for ocular migraines.
Any visual problems that come together with confusion or an abrupt drop in strength may necessitate immediate medical attention. Such signs and symptoms might point to a more serious medical problem.


Types of migraines that result in visual abnormalities are commonly referred to as ocular migraines. The preferred medical names are retinal migraine or migraine with aura, depending on the underlying aetiology.
Both varieties of ocular migraine can last up to an hour and result in headaches and brief vision disturbances. The primary distinction between a migraine with aura and a retinal migraine is that the latter affects only one eye.
Consider consulting a physician if you think you may be suffering from an ocular migraine to get a diagnosis and potential treatment plan to help you avoid further attacks.


What is a silent migraine?

The varieties of migraines that do not entail the characteristic head pain are known as silent migraines, acephalgic migraines, or migraines without headaches. Instead, sufferers of silent migraines encounter additional signs and symptoms including aura (visual abnormalities), light and sound sensitivity, dizziness, and nausea.

Is ocular migraine a mini-stroke?

Stroke and ocular migraine, often known as migraine with aura, are two distinct medical diseases. An attack does not indicate that you are experiencing or about to get a stroke. However, studies have indicated that those who experience migraines with aura also have a higher risk of stroke.

Can a brain tumour cause ocular migraine?

On an MR scan, a low-grade tumour of the right occipital lobe was eventually found. This case serves as an example of how an occipital lobe tumour can coexist with headaches that meet the International Headache Society’s (IHS) criteria for migraine with a characteristic aura.

How does an ocular migraine start?

Blood vessel spasms or restricted blood flow in the retina or behind the eye are the usual causes of ocular migraines. Similar migraine causes and risk factors are on the list of risks. greater among females than males.

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