Understanding How Meningitis Affects the Limbs

Meningitis can result in numerous potentially fatal complications, including amputation of fingers, toes, or other limbs if treatment is not received.
Meningitis is a dangerous illness that inflames the meninges, the tissues that surround and shield the brain.
Headache, neck pain, and fever are common symptoms. The problem can be resolved and complications can be avoided with early treatment.
Serious consequences from untreated meningitis might include limb loss and the loss of fingers and toes.
If treatment is delayed, more severe consequences like paralysis, convulsions, and even death could occur.

Can meningitis cause you to lose your limbs?

Sepsis, commonly referred to as meningococcal septicemia, is a serious infection that can result from meningitis. This can occasionally result in the loss of fingers, toes, and limbs.
This is because the bacteria that cause meningococcal septicemia release toxins that damage blood vessels, leading to rashes, blood clots, and an overall deficiency of oxygen in the body.
Your body delivers blood to your organs to maintain their functionality since the amount of blood oxygen it has available is restricted.
It’s possible for other body parts, including your skin and limbs, to run out of oxygen. Amputation may be necessary if your skin becomes darker and dies.
The body parts most at risk of oxygen loss and mortality are those that are farthest from the heart, including fingers and toes.

Can meningitis cause paralysis?

Meningitis has the potential to cause paralysis. This results from the slow treatment of an illness that swells the spine and nerve system. Additionally, weakness and spasms may occur.

The importance of early treatment for meningitis

Meningitis is a serious medical condition. Getting treatment within a day is crucial. Even though meningitis is usually not fatal, it can be if care is not received.
Meningitis can be stopped from spreading throughout your body with early treatment. It can avert fatalities and significant consequences.
If your meningitis is bacterial, early therapies may involve corticosteroids and other anti-inflammatory medications.
For this reason, it’s critical to get medical attention if you exhibit any of the following meningitis symptoms:
  • a stiff neck or neck pain
  • a headache
  • a high fever
  • a red and blotchy rash on your skin
  • fatigue (low energy)
  • nausea
  • chills
  • light sensitivity
  • sound sensitivity
  • vomiting
  • confusion
  • loss of appetite
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Early signs in children

Young children and infants may have a variety of symptoms and struggle to express them. If a kid under your care exhibits any of these meningitis symptoms, it’s critical to get medical attention:
  • inability to eat
  • irritability
  • stiffness or floppiness
  • difficulty waking up
  • being less active than usual
  • increased fussiness
  • an enlargement in the forehead’s tender area

What happens to the body if meningitis is left untreated?

While not all cases of meningitis will result in complications, there is a significant chance of major complications if severe meningitis is left untreated.
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), 1 in 5 cases of bacterial meningitis also result in a major, long-lasting consequence.
Meningitis complications can include:
  • seizures
  • memory problems
  • vision loss
  • hearing loss
  • difficulties with speech
  • chronic headaches
  • concentrations problems
  • difficulty with balance
  • lack of coordination
  • learning difficulties
  • changes in personality
  • changes in behaviour
  • loss of limbs or paralysis

The meningitis vaccine

Meningitis can be prevented using a few different vaccines. This is because meningitis is caused by a variety of bacteria, viruses, and other infectious poisons. Vaccines can shield you against the following frequent meningitis causes:
  • Meningococcal
  • Haemophilus influenzae
  • Pneumococcal
The recommended vaccination schedule for children and adolescents in the United States includes meningitis vaccines.
The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States currently advise youngsters to receive their first dosage of MenACWY between the ages of 11 and 12 to prevent meningitis. The CDC’s advice about meningitis vaccination can be found here.


Can meningitis cause limb weakness?

After a bout of bacterial meningitis, one in five survivors may experience long-term consequences. These side effects include scarring and limb amputations following infection, as well as hearing loss, seizures, limb weakness, and challenges with vision, speech, language, memory, and communication.

Does meningitis cause difficulty walking?

Some people experience temporary improvement followed by a relapse. Common symptoms include back discomfort, stiff neck, headaches, and confusion. People can have trouble walking.

Is paralysis from meningitis permanent?

Many patients with bacterial meningitis recover completely after receiving prompt treatment. Nevertheless, some people may struggle for the rest of their lives with seizures, brain damage, hearing loss, and disability—even with quick treatment.


If left untreated, meningitis is a dangerous infection that can lead to catastrophic problems.
Limb loss may occur from meningitis that progresses to meningococcal septicemia, a dangerous condition.
Meningitis can also result in swelling around the spinal cord and throughout the nervous system, which can paralyse a person and cause tremors.
These and other dangerous side effects, such as hearing and vision loss, behavioural and personality problems, and seizures, can be avoided with early intervention.

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