Treatment and Home Remedies for Dry Scalp

 Certain natural remedies, such as rinsing with apple cider vinegar or applying oils and other moisturizing components, might help soothe a dry, itchy scalp at home.

Persistent itching is the primary indicator of a dry scalp, but other symptoms including dandruff, pain, and hair loss may also be present.

There are several reasons why someone could have a dry scalp, but the most frequent ones are weather-related changes or harsh ingredients in hair care products.

In addition to medical disorders like psoriasis or eczema, sometimes the cause is as simple as not drinking enough water or washing your hair every day.

We’ve put together some at-home treatments for dry scalp that you can try, regardless of the cause. 
scalp treatment

How do I get rid of dry scalp fast?

The cause of your dry scalp will determine what kind of treatment you require and how long it will take. Considering the factors that can lead to it, the following are potential treatments:


Another name for atopic dermatitis is eczema. Keeping your scalp hydrated is one of the treatments for scalp eczema, along with the following:
  • salicylic acid
  • dandruff shampoos
  • prescription drugs such as biologics, emollients, corticosteroids, and antihistamines.
Treatment for contact dermatitis, another potential cause of dry scalp, is quite similar to that for eczema.

Scalp psoriasis

Because the chronic disease accumulates skin cells, scalp psoriasis can cause dryness.Apart from salicylic acid, corticosteroids, and medicated shampoos, your physician might also recommend the following:

  • Coal tar
  • light therapy
  • biologic medications
  • Calcipotriene (Sorilux, Dovonex)
  • Tazarotene (Tazorac)


Dandruff comes in a variety of forms and can lead to a dry scalp. Usually, using a dandruff shampoo—which is available over-the-counter or, if medicated, through a prescription—can help relieve it.Read the instructions carefully as each shampoo may have various directions and differ in how long it should be applied to the scalp. OTC components include zinc pyrithione and ketoconazole.

You might need to wash your hair more or less frequently each week, depending on its kind. Consulting with a dermatologist can help you determine the best course of action.

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A recent study from 2021 examined the effects of a novel ointment that included probiotics, honey, turmeric, and vitamin B12. The theory behind this research was that skin issues might be linked to a change in the gut flora. The application of ointment was proven to help lessen dry scalp and dandruff. 

Other causes

In addition to these prevalent underlying medical disorders, exposure to cold air, hot water, artificial heat sources such as central heating, chemicals in cleaning products, or dehydration can also cause scalp dryness.The degree of dryness will determine how these are treated. See your doctor if it has a major impact on your daily activities or if you’re experiencing more severe symptoms like burning.

Your dry scalp may also be brought on, though less frequently, by:

  • Scalp ringworm, or tinea capitis, necessitates the use of antifungal medications.
  • Actinic keratoses (AKs), which can require excision.

How do you treat dry scalp naturally?

If your scalp is dry, you can find some relief with these natural remedies:
  • Coconut oil: Many advantages for skin health exist with this oil. Its antifungal and antibacterial qualities can help lower the risk of infections, and it can moisturize the scalp. Studies indicate that it might even be a major treatment for atopic dermatitis.
  • Tea tree oil: Strong antiseptic, antifungal, and antibacterial qualities in this oil help ease the symptoms of dry scalp. That’s the reason tea tree oil is found in a lot of dandruff shampoos.
  • Aloe vera: Numerous qualities of this can aid in the treatment of dry scalp. It works well as a moisturizing agent and contains anti-inflammatory qualities that may help lessen skin irritation.
  • Apple cider vinegar: Because it is antibacterial, it can get rid of any germs or fungi that might make you scratchy. Moreover, it has anti-inflammatory properties and helps exfoliate the scalp.
  • Witch hazel: This has long been utilized in herbal medicine and is frequently used in anti-itch creams made for dry and sensitive skin. It can be used to reduce irritation that certain disorders may be causing to cause dry scalp. Additionally, it possesses strong astringent qualities that could alleviate dry scalp complaints.
  • Baking soda and olive oil: Baking soda is antibacterial and antifungal, and olive oil is hydrating. If you have a dry scalp in addition to dandruff, this mix of moisturizing, exfoliation, and antifungal ingredients can help with those irritating white flakes.
  • Bananas: These are incredibly hydrating when mashed, which makes them an excellent remedy for dandruff and dry scalps.
  • Yogurt and eggs: While the fat and protein content of eggs can nourish and preserve the scalp by avoiding free radical damage at the cellular level, yogurt is calming and exfoliating to the skin.
  • Jojoba oil: This moisturizer has the potential to rapidly alleviate dry scalp. Additionally, it contains anti-inflammatory qualities that may help with scalp-related skin disorders.
  • Avocado: This has polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, which can protect and moisturize your skin. You can apply avocado or avocado oil topically to relieve dry scalp in addition to consuming the avocado.
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Risks and side effects

These DIY treatments for dry scalp are usually regarded as risk-free and safe.Having said that, if you want to try an essential oil, like tea tree oil, mix it with an oil carrier (such as coconut or olive oil) and massage the mixture into your scalp. After ten minutes, leave it on and wash it off. In this instance, applying olive or coconut oil as a carrier oil would have improved the results of your scalp treatment.

To prevent an allergic reaction, you should conduct a test patch on the inside of your wrist before using any new product, especially essential oils.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that essential oils are not subject to quality or purity checks, so you should exercise caution while selecting a reputable brand.Even on its own, a dry scalp can be annoying due to the evident effects it has on your hair and scalp. But it can also result in noticeable hair loss, frequently as a result of continuous scratching.

Some people will scratch until the sores become uncomfortable or even open. These sores could develop infected or inflammatory if they are not cared for. Before using any oils or home remedies on any wounds you think you may have, you should see a doctor because they could aggravate the wound.

How do you treat dry scalp in babies?

Skin disorders such as eczema or infantile seborrheic dermatitis, commonly referred to as “cradle cap,” may be the cause of a baby’s dry scalp.Although cradle cap normally goes away on its own, you can cure it at home with these natural remedies:

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  • Before washing, apply a small amount of mineral oil, baby oil, or olive oil on the infant’s scalp.
  • Make use of a baby-specific anti-dandruff shampoo that contains zinc or pyrithione zinc. It is not advised to use salicylic acid-containing shampoos on newborns.
  • Apply over-the-counter hydrocortisone lotion to the baby’s scalp to reduce inflammation and itching with a doctor’s approval.
Should your child’s dry scalp be a result of another skin problem, such as eczema, they might need to take certain prescription drugs.


Although it might be painful, a dry scalp is very treatable. A change in hair care products or routine will help alleviate dry scalp in many cases, and home treatments can definitely expedite the process.You can schedule a visit with a doctor if, after two weeks, home cures are still ineffective to rule out the possibility of an underlying medical ailment that needs to be treated with medication.

See a healthcare provider if you find that you’re losing hair in addition to having a dry scalp, especially if you have blisters or sores.

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