Is Bloating a Sign of Gallbladder Problems?

Even though your gallbladder is small, problems can nonetheless arise there. Although gallbladder issues vary widely in intensity, some could make you feel bloated.
Bile is kept in reserve in the gallbladder, a little organ in your digestive system. Despite its diminutive size—it is only 3-5 inches long—it plays a crucial role in aiding your body’s digestion of fat from diet.
Few bloating causes are associated with gallbladder problems, and not all of them are significant. Find out more about the gallbladder disorders that lead to bloating as well as other crucial details about each one.

What gallbladder issues can cause bloating?

Bloating may result from inflammation or certain disorders that induce gallbladder bulges. Here are some common symptoms of gallbladder issues that can accompany bloating.

Gallstones and gallbladder attacks

Gallstones are bits of material that accumulate in your gallbladder and contain bilirubin or cholesterol. After that, they may solidify and become lodged in your upper-right abdominal bile ducts.
Typically, gallstones don’t show symptoms until they obstruct the bile ducts. In reality, only 1-3% of the 10-20% of gallstone sufferers are thought to exhibit symptoms.
A gallbladder attack, sometimes referred to as biliary colic, can occur when gallstones obstruct your bile ducts. One common sign of a gallbladder attack is severe pain. Although less frequent, bloating (abdominal distension) is still possible.
Additional signs of a gallbladder attack could be:
  • discomfort that can spread to your shoulder or back
  • vomiting
  • abdominal tenderness
  • nausea
A gallstone may travel down the duct or return to your gallbladder. On the other hand, the following signs could appear if the gallstone becomes lodged in the bile ducts and cannot pass:
  • light-colored urine and stools
  • fever
  • chills
  • yellowing of your skin and eyes (jaundice)
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Gallbladder inflammation is known as cholecystitis. The most frequent reason is when a gallstone obstructs the cystic duct, a section of the biliary system. Similar to a gallbladder attack, the primary symptom is pain. You can experience pain that radiates to your right shoulder.
A stomach protrusion is another sign of acute cholecystitis. Excess gas and bloating have also been mentioned as signs of chronic cholecystitis.
Additional signs of this illness include:
  • abdominal tenderness
  • abdominal pain that worsens with deep
  • vomiting
  • sweating
  • loss of appetite
  • breathing
  • fever
  • nausea

Biliary dyskinesia

A disorder called biliary dyskinesia makes it difficult for your gallbladder to empty normally. This may lead to dysmotility, a disorder that impairs the proper function of the muscles in your digestive system and affects your organs. Symptoms of dysmotility can include cramping and soreness in the abdomen. Other symptoms include bloating, vomiting, and nausea.

Gallbladder cancer

Adenocarcinomas account for the bulk of gallbladder cancer cases, which are regarded as uncommon. Although it’s not as common as other symptoms, abdominal bloating is one possible sign of gallbladder cancer.
The following are the most typical signs of gallbladder cancer:
  • jaundice
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • lumps on the right side of your abdomen
  • abdominal pain

Other symptoms of a low-functioning gallbladder

In addition to bloating, other signs of gallbladder problems could be:
  • pain
  • fever
  • changes in appetite
  • unintentional weight loss
  • urinary or stool changes
  • nausea or vomiting
  • jaundice

When to contact a doctor

If you feel intense abdominal pain that lasts longer than a few hours, along with a high fever or jaundice, get medical attention very away.
See a doctor if you have any additional potential gallbladder symptoms or if you have unexplained bloating and abdominal pain. All of these could indicate a gallbladder issue, but they could also indicate another dangerous condition, like:
  • hepatitis
  • pancreatitis
  • ulcers
  • appendicitis
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
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How are gallbladder issues that cause bloating treated?

The underlying cause of gallbladder problems determines the course of treatment, with gallbladder ectomy being a popular option.

Gallstone treatment

Treatment for gallstones might not be required if they do not produce any unpleasant symptoms.
Lithotripsy or endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) may be used to treat gallstones lodged in the bile duct. The is occasionally used in conjunction with antibiotics to treat chills or fever.
A laparoscopic or open cholecystectomy, which removes the gallbladder, may be used to treat gallstones that cause symptoms.
A doctor may recommend medication to dissolve gallstones for persons who cannot have surgery, such as elderly patients.

Cholecystitis treatment

Treatment for acute cholecystitis typically takes place in a hospital, sometimes for as long as one week. You will have to fast during this period, and a doctor may give you fluids intravenously.
If you have an infection in your gallbladder, your doctor might prescribe antibiotics. It is possible that your doctor will advise gallbladder removal surgery if you have cholecystitis.

Biliary dyskinesia treatment

Doctors most frequently advise gallbladder removal (cholecystectomy) as a treatment for biliary dyskinesia.

Gallbladder cancer treatment

The type and stage of gallbladder cancer determine the course of treatment. One or more of the following could be an option:
  • immunotherapy
  • chemotherapy
  • targeted therapies
  • surgical removal of the gallbladder
  • radiation therapy


Although overeating or gas are the primary causes of bloating, underlying medical concerns like gallbladder problems can occasionally be linked to bloating. Seeking medical attention is advised if your bloating is accompanied by severe abdominal discomfort, fever, and other symptoms.


Does gallbladder issues cause bloating?

Bloating, fullness in the abdomen, and edoema are frequently signs of gallbladder issues. Everyone will occasionally suffer some degree of bloating, but frequent bloating may be a sign of a more serious problem.

How do you stop bloating without a gallbladder?

Reach for smaller portions, and skip the deep-fried menu

Is it normal to be bloated 24 7?

Having said that, consult a doctor to rule out any underlying medical issues if your bloating is persistent or severe enough to interfere with your daily activities. 

What vegetables cause bloating?

Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, prunes, and apricots.

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