How to Treat Cluster Headaches Yourself Naturally

There may be some things you may do at home to assist in reducing or preventing symptoms, even though drugs and other medical interventions are the most common ways to manage cluster headaches.
A severe kind of headache is a cluster headache.
Cluster headache sufferers may go through episodes where multiple excruciating headaches happen in 24 hours. They mostly happen at night.
Weeks or months may pass between cluster headache bouts occurring every day and a period of remission. Months or even years may pass during this remission phase.
In general, cluster headaches are very different from other kinds of headaches. They frequently need medical attention and can be extremely severe. Though they can be quite unpleasant, cluster headaches aren’t harmful.

Home remedies for cluster headaches

There are currently no recognised therapies and few viable home remedies.
Although there isn’t much scientific evidence to support them, there are some home treatments for cluster headaches that may be useful.
According to a 2017 study, there was insufficient evidence or more research was needed to support the use of alternative therapies for cluster headaches.
We’ll look at some of the currently known but unverified material below.


Your body employs the hormone melatonin to control the cycles of sleep and wakefulness. Cluster headache sufferers frequently have low melatonin levels.
When used before bedtime, melatonin supplements in dosages ranging from 10 to 25 milligrammes may help avoid cluster headaches. Those who have persistent cluster headaches, however, might find that melatonin treatment is less successful.

Capsaicin cream

It is possible to treat cluster headaches with over-the-counter topical capsaicin cream. Using a cotton swab, gently apply this analgesic to the inside of your nose.
Capsaicin cream was shown to lessen the intensity of cluster headaches in small, earlier investigations.
However according to a 2019 study, capsaicin cream was only marginally more effective than other therapies, despite being readily available and having few adverse effects.

Deep breathing exercises

One of the main therapies for an attack of cluster headaches is oxygen therapy. Increasing the amount of oxygen in your blood can help you manage discomfort and relax your body.
Deep breathing exercises with cluster headaches have not been thoroughly studied, although doing them in addition to your prescription drugs during an episode may be helpful.
In addition, pursed lip breathing and box breathing are effective methods for reducing tension.


Certain kinds of headaches have been linked to low magnesium levels. As a result, you might think about adding foods high in magnesium to your diet or taking magnesium supplements.
In a tiny earlier trial, 41 percent of subjects with cluster headaches who took magnesium sulphate reported “meaningful relief.” The study involved 22 participants.
There hasn’t been much further study done on magnesium and cluster headaches, though.
Consult your physician before taking any supplements, including those containing magnesium.

Kudzu extract

A botanical supplement derived from the kudzu vine is called kudzu extract. According to some anecdotal evidence, kudzu may be beneficial for cluster headaches.
In 2009, a small study found that 16 people took kudzu extract for cluster headaches.
Even though many people reported fewer or milder attacks, more thorough research is required to ascertain the true effectiveness of kudzu extract.

Cluster headache symptoms

Typical signs of cluster headaches include:
  • intense headache pain that appears on one side of your face or behind your eye
  • sudden onset headaches that frequently wake you up in the middle of the night
  • headaches that begin every day or every year at the same time
  • many excruciating headaches lasting anywhere from 15 minutes to 3 hours over a day
  • tears and redness in the eyes on the side of your face where the headache started
  • congestion or runny nose on the afflicted side eye or facial edoema
  • constricted pupil or drooping eyelid on the painful side
  • tingling or numbness in your fingers, arms, or on one side of your face
  • feeling uncomfortable or restless
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Cluster headache causes

The aetiology of cluster headaches is still a mystery to researchers. There is still a wide variety of theories being proposed and investigated.
Cluster headaches are most likely related to hypothalamic activity.
The hypothalamus, a region near the base of the brain, has reflex circuits that regulate pain in the face and behind the eyes.
Activation of this neural route results in the following sensations:
  • tingling
  • numbness
  • intense pain
  • throbbing
Redness and tears in the eyes can also be triggered by the same set of nerves.

Cluster headache prevention

Although there is no known treatment for cluster headaches, you may be able to lessen their frequency by altering your lifestyle.

Consistent sleep schedule

Keeping a regular sleep schedule could help you with your circadian rhythm. A regular sleep routine may help prevent cluster headaches, according to research.

Avoiding tobacco

Compared to nonsmokers, smokers have cluster headaches more frequently.
Giving up smoking may not eliminate cluster headaches, but it can help your body’s nerve reactions and sleep habits.
Although it could be challenging, quitting smoking is achievable. Find more about individualised smoking cessation programmes by consulting a physician.

Limiting alcohol

Alcohol use may cause a headache to occur while you are suffering from a cluster headache. To avoid this, think about reducing the amount of alcohol you drink.

Getting daily exercise

Regular cardiovascular exercise can lower stress, enhance brain circulation, and promote better sleep.

When to see a doctor

The pain alone should be enough to get you medical attention if you suffer cluster headaches.
Discuss your symptoms and possible treatments with your physician. They can suggest an appropriate course of treatment for you.
Additionally, if you’re thinking about taking vitamins or herbs, consult your physician. They can inform you of any negative effects or interactions with prescription drugs or other therapies.
The following medical interventions are frequently recommended for cluster headaches:
  • oxygen delivered by mask
  • intranasal lidocaine
  • steroids
  • occipital nerve block
  • injectable sumatriptan (Imitrex)
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Extremely intense cluster headaches frequently recur. The majority of the time, the symptoms of these headaches go away in a few days.
There are things you can do at home in addition to the therapies provided by your doctor, even though drugs and other medical interventions are the most common ways to treat and prevent cluster headaches.
Always consult your physician before attempting any home treatments.


Is there a way to stop cluster headaches?

You might receive medication via injection or nasal spray from a medical professional.

What is the fastest way to get rid of a cluster headache?

High-dose oxygen therapy through a face mask for 15 to 20 minutes

Which fruit is good for headaches?


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