How to Lose Weight with Hyperthyroidism

One disorder that might contribute to weight gain is hyperthyroidism, which is caused by an overactive thyroid gland. To aid with weight loss, you can consider exercising and taking medicine in addition to altering your eating habits.
Thyroid hormones have a significant impact on metabolism, which in turn influences weight. Hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid gland, is typically linked to weight gain.
This article will discuss how Graves’ illness and hyperthyroidism can affect your weight and what metabolic effects you can expect.

How does hyperthyroidism affect your weight?

Your thyroid gland becomes hyperactive and overproduces thyroid hormone when you have hyperthyroidism. Despite an increase in appetite, this extra thyroid hormone normally causes weight reduction by accelerating metabolism. The chemical reactions that take place in your body to turn food and liquids into energy are referred to as metabolism.
Hyperthyroidism symptoms include:
  • weight loss with increased appetite
  • rapid or irregular heartbeat
  • muscle weakness
  • sweating
  • heat intolerance
  • nervousness
  • irritability
  • shakiness
  • frequent bowel movements
  • an enlarged thyroid gland (goiter)
A hypothyroidized thyroid gland is typically linked to weight gain or difficulties reducing weight.

Best thyroid medication for weight loss

Weight gain or decrease is not a direct goal of thyroid treatment. Medication for an underactive or hyperactive thyroid must control metabolism to prevent major side effects such as arrhythmias of the heart.
The following are the standard therapies for hyperthyroidism:
  • Beta-blockers for the treatment of hyperthyroidism
  • antithyroid drugs to lower the production of thyroid hormone, such as methimazole
  • radioiodine treatments aimed at eliminating the thyroid gland
  • surgery to remove the thyroid gland
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Preventing weight gain with hyperthyroidism

If left untreated, hyperthyroidism can have major side effects, including heart issues. However, addressing hyperthyroidism frequently results in weight gain.
In a 2018 study, six individuals receiving methimazole medication for hyperthyroidism gained weight in the first two months following treatment. Up until the sixth month of treatment, this weight growth plateaued.
The American Thyroid Association states that once therapy starts, patients frequently gain back any weight they may have lost.
Once your metabolism stabilises, chronic overeating from the hyperthyroid stage may cause additional weight gain. Alternatively, it can be the outcome of a newly developed hypothyroid condition if you’ve had your thyroid gland removed.

Exercises that can help with hyperthyroidism and weight loss

Regardless of the condition of your thyroid gland, regular exercise is crucial to overall health. Exercise’s well-known benefits for weight management, muscle growth, and cardiovascular health. However, studies indicate that exercise can also lessen the body’s inflammatory response.
Exercise’s anti-inflammatory properties are especially helpful in thyroid disease because autoimmune diseases are frequently associated with both hypothyroid and hyperthyroid disorders.
Consult your healthcare team about the best workouts to achieve your health objectives if you’re experiencing any significant consequences from your hyperthyroidism, such as irregular heartbeats.

Can I lose weight with Graves‘ disease?

An autoimmune condition can result in hyperthyroidism, as in the case of Graves’ disease. When you have Graves’ disease, your immune system targets your thyroid gland, which results in an excess of thyroid hormone being produced.
Similar to other types of hyperthyroidism, Graves’ illness is more likely to cause weight loss than gain. But weight gain could be a side effect of your hyperthyroidism therapy.

What are the best foods to eat for hyperthyroidism?

Regardless of thyroid function, a reasonable weight is supported by a well-balanced diet. The following nutrients may assist in maintaining your health if you have an overactive thyroid:
  • calcium
  • vitamin D
  • selenium
  • zinc
  • iron
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Vitamins and minerals can be found in entire grains, lean meats, and a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.


When your thyroid gland generates too much thyroid hormone, the disease is known as hyperthyroidism. Despite eating more food, this overproduction of thyroid hormone increases your metabolism and typically causes weight gain.
Although treating hyperthyroidism is necessary to help prevent major side effects such as an erratic heartbeat, doing so typically results in weight gain. Discuss with your medical team the best course of action for managing your thyroid issue to maintain a weight that is appropriate for you.

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