How Do I Exercise with Myasthenia Gravis?

How Do I Exercise with Myasthenia Gravis

It’s crucial to establish long-lasting, safe exercise routines, particularly if you have myasthenia gravis.
An autoimmune disease called myasthenia gravis results in the weakening of the muscles that control movement of the body. Although there isn’t a treatment for the illness at this time, taking medicine can help manage symptoms and reduce consequences.
Following physical exertion and repetitive motions, people with myasthenia gravis may experience greater weariness or weakness than usual. Exercise may become difficult as a result of this.
However, frequent low- to moderate-intensity exercise might enhance your well-being and physical health. This could help you maintain your general physical and mental well-being and manage your myasthenia gravis.
Continue reading to find out more about myasthenia gravis exercise safety.

Should I exercise with myasthenia gravis?

Your doctor would probably advise you to engage in frequent low- to moderate-intensity exercise if you have myasthenia gravis.
Despite the paucity of data on the benefits of exercise for myasthenia gravis patients, a 2023 analysis of nine studies concluded that engaging in an exercise regimen was typically safe for those suffering from this illness. The exercise regimens’ substance and organisation differed between the trials.
Myasthenia gravis flare-ups were rare among research participants; only one occurred during an activity regimen. On the other hand, five individuals who were included in the control group and did not participate in an exercise regimen had a relapse.
A small percentage of research participants had minor and transient increases in fatigue.
Consult your physician to determine if you should change your existing exercise habits or add extra activity to your regimen. When your symptoms flare up or worsen, you might need to modify your fitness regimen or take a vacation from exercising.

Can exercise help myasthenia gravis?

Although it’s unclear if exercise lowers myasthenia gravis symptoms or disease activity, it does improve general physical and mental health.
While some of the research included in the 2023 review showed benefits in immunological markers and exhaustion related to myasthenia gravis, other studies did not.
According to a review published in 2021, exercise and physical training can help myasthenia gravis patients breathe more easily and have stronger respiratory muscles.
Additionally, general strength, mobility, endurance, and balance can all be enhanced by regular exercise. This could make daily activities like walking, stair climbing, and housework easier and more independent for you to accomplish. You can reduce your risk of falls and injuries by strengthening your muscles and improving your balance.
In general, it is known that engaging in regular exercise lowers your chance of developing some long-term health issues, like:
  • heart disease
  • type 2 diabetes
  • many types of cancer
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Additionally, exercise is good for mental health. It might elevate your mood, lessen anxiety and depressive symptoms, and enhance the quality of your sleep.

What kind of exercises should I try?

The most beneficial forms of exercise for individuals with myasthenia gravis require further study.
Adults are advised by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to:
  • Engage in moderate-intensity aerobic exercise for at least 150 minutes every week.
  • Engage in muscle-strengthening exercises, focusing on all of your major muscle groups, for at least two days a week.
The adult population as a whole, not only those who have myasthenia gravis, should heed these guidelines. You can find out if these goals are right for you by speaking with your doctor. They may suggest that you change the frequency, length, or intensity of your workouts.
Several instances of aerobic exercises with a moderate intensity are:
  • brisk walking
  • water aerobics
  • riding a bike on level terrain at a moderate speed
Several instances of exercises that build muscle include:
  • weightlifting
  • resistance band exercises
  • exercises like pushups and situps
  • specific forms of Pilates and yoga
Consult your physician before beginning a new exercise regimen. They can assist you in determining its safety.

Can medications help me exercise regularly?

It’s critical to treat myasthenia gravis to lessen symptoms and your chance of problems. It might aid in avoiding complications that could be fatal, such as a myasthenic crisis.
To understand how treatments impact exercise capacity in myasthenia gravis, more research is required. Anecdotally, some people have stated that receiving treatment helps them achieve their fitness objectives or skills.
To find out more about your choices for treating myasthenia gravis, speak with your doctor. Inform them of any changes you observe in your health, as well as any queries or worries you may have regarding your treatment regimen.

Myasthenia gravis: Advice for maintaining good health and exercising

You can use the following techniques to create a safe and long-lasting fitness programme:
  • Build up gradually: When beginning a new fitness regimen or getting back into it after a hiatus, go softly and gradually increase your intensity. Create an exercise programme with a healthcare provider that is appropriate for your present level of ability.
  • Request a recommendation for an exercise physiologist or physical therapist.: These experts can assist you in creating a personalised plan and discovering safe and efficient methods for executing novel tasks or motions.
  • Get active with a friend: Working out with a friend could make it more motivating and pleasurable for you. In the event of an emergency, such as a myasthenic crisis requiring medical attention, they can also assist you.
  • Respect your limits: Keep a watchful eye on your body. If you feel weaker or more exhausted than usual, stop exercising, cut back on how hard you’re working out, or take a break. Your body may react better to several short exercises than to a single, lengthy one.
  • Rest up: Maintaining your health and recuperating from exercise depend on getting enough good-quality sleep and scheduling regular rest days into your exercise schedule. Find out how often you should take days off from exercise and how long to wait between sessions by speaking with your physician, physical therapist, or exercise physiologist.
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A workout regimen that is effective for one myasthenia gravis sufferer might not be effective for another. Your needs can be met by creating a personalised plan with your physician or another trained healthcare provider.


Is running good for myasthenia gravis?

Running full and half marathons causes unique changes in inflammatory mediators in a manner dependent on exercise dosage. Physical effort is nevertheless achievable and may not exacerbate symptoms, despite myasthenia gravis signs of weakness and exhaustion in certain muscles, as shown by this instance and current research.

Does myasthenia gravis get worse with activity?

Weak muscles are among the signs and symptoms of myasthenia gravis. weakness that gets worse after physical exercise and gets better after resting.

Can you go to the gym with myasthenia gravis?

Exercise and physical training are safe for people with myasthenia gravis. Both daily functioning and muscle strength can be enhanced by this. The kind and level of systematic training should be customised for each patient.


Exercise may be difficult for you if you have myasthenia gravis because of symptoms including weakness, exhaustion, or other issues.
However, for the majority of people, the advantages of low moderate-intensity exercise seem to exceed the hazards.
Regular exercise can enhance your mood as well as your strength, mobility, endurance, and balance. Additionally, it reduces your chance of developing several chronic illnesses, including type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
You can create an exercise programme that works for you with the assistance of your physician, physical therapist, or exercise physiologist. They will probably suggest that you incorporate both cardio and muscle-building workouts into your daily regimen.
Maintaining your safety and well-being while treating myasthenia gravis also requires adhering to your treatment plan.

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