Does Turmeric Increase Platelet Count?

Does Turmeric Increase Platelet Count

One of the many health advantages of turmeric and its active component, curcumin, is that it can raise blood platelet counts. Still, there are safety measures to be mindful of.
Your bone marrow produces the platelets that make up your blood. By assisting in the formation of clots and limiting excessive bleeding, they control bleeding within your body. It can be less effective for your body to coagulate blood adequately if you have insufficient platelets.
The spice and dietary supplement turmeric may help lower your risk of deadly blood clots and raise your platelet count.
This article explains the potential effects of turmeric on blood platelet counts as well as the safety measures to take.

What is turmeric?

Ginger is a spice that is linked to turmeric. Turmeric is a key component in curry powder; in fact, curry gets its yellow hue from turmeric. In Ayurveda and other complementary therapies, turmeric has traditionally been used to aid in:
  • skin disorders
  • joint problems
  • digestive conditions
  • upper respiratory tract issues
Curcumin, the active component of turmeric, has been linked to several health advantages, including:
  • qualities that reduce inflammation
  • antioxidative potential
  • a potential reduction in the incidence of brain disorders and age-related decreases in cognitive abilities
  • the ability to potentially reduce the risk of heart disease
  • the capacity to raise the platelet count in blood
Turmeric by itself does not contain enough curcumin as a spice to be very beneficial to health. Supplements or extracts of turmeric might be useful if you want to benefit from its therapeutic properties.

How does turmeric affect platelet levels?

Curcumin, the primary active component of turmeric, is a well-known anti-inflammatory and has been demonstrated to raise platelet counts. It accomplishes this by stopping platelets from clumping, which stops dangerous blood clots.
In moderation, turmeric is usually regarded as harmless. Although they are uncommon, side effects can include:
  • diarrhoea
  • upset stomach
  • allergic reactions
  • nausea
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Certain drugs may interact with turmeric. Consult a healthcare provider before taking any supplements containing turmeric if you are using any blood-thinning drugs, such as aspirin or warfarin. Bleeding may result from the combination of blood thinners and turmeric because the former tends to raise platelet counts while lowering platelet clumping or adhesion to blood vessel walls.

What other supplements stimulate platelet growth?

There are other supplements than turmeric that might raise the blood platelet count. Vitamin B12 and folate-rich foods may help increase the number of platelets in your body. Legumes, fresh fruit, and dark leafy greens are good sources of folate. B12 is found in animal products including eggs and cow liver.
Additionally, the following substances could promote platelet growth:
  • papaya leaf extract
  • vitamin C
  • melatonin
  • iron
Before beginning a new supplement, it’s crucial to see a doctor because some supplements have the potential to exacerbate pre-existing medical disorders or interfere with prescription drugs.

What’s the fastest way to increase platelet levels?

Turmeric may raise platelet counts, however, to see results more quickly, you might need to take one of the following medications:
  • Corticosteroids: This class of drugs is frequently used as a first-line therapy. It contains medications like dexamethasone and prednisolone.
  • Immunosuppressants: These medications stop your immune system from destroying your healthy platelets and are used when corticosteroids are ineffective.
  • Anti-D immunoglobulin: This drug is used by doctors to increase platelet counts in patients suffering from immune thrombocytopenia.
  • Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG): This therapy is used to treat immune thrombocytopenia-related severe bleeding and to boost platelets.
  • Rituximab: This medication, which is prescribed, treats antibodies. Your risk of infection may increase.
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Depending on the reason for the low platelet count, any of these drugs may be able to raise it.
While the drugs on this list are effective in treating immune thrombocytopenia, they might not be beneficial in treating drug-induced thrombocytopenia and sepsis, two other conditions that generate low platelets.
Furthermore, a number of these drugs have recognised adverse effects, such as an elevated risk of blood clots. Consult a medical practitioner before beginning any kind of treatment.

Who needs to increase their platelet levels?

Thrombocytopenia, or low blood platelet count, can be caused by several illnesses. A low platelet count may be the outcome of the following illnesses:
  • Autoimmune conditions: Your body may target platelets if you have immune thrombocytopenia, lupus, or rheumatoid arthritis, among other chronic autoimmune disorders.
  • Cancer: Leukaemia and lymphoma are two blood diseases that can harm bone marrow and kill stem cells. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy can also harm these cells.
  • Aplastic anaemia: When your bone marrow stops producing enough new blood cells, a rare but dangerous blood disease occurs.
  • Clotting conditions: A low platelet count can be caused by any disorder that generates blood clots, such as disseminated intravascular coagulation or thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.
  • Enlarged spleen: An enlarged spleen can remove or retain an excessive amount of platelets from your blood.
  • Infections: A transient reduction in platelet count can be brought on by viral and bacterial illnesses.
  • Pregnancy: Low platelets can occasionally happen during pregnancy, especially in the last stages before delivery.
  • Surgery: Platelets can be destroyed by some surgical instruments used during bypass surgery or blood transfusions.
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Platelet count categories and ranges

The ranges and categories for low, normal, and high platelet counts are displayed in the table below.
Platelet count category Platelet count range (per millilitre of blood)
low platelet count of less than 150,000
normal platelet count 150,000–450,000
high platelet count of more than 450,000


Curry powder frequently contains the spice turmeric. Its active component, curcumin, has various medical applications as a supplement, one of which is raising blood platelet counts.
Your body uses blood platelets to control bleeding and build clots. Low platelet counts can be caused by a variety of medical disorders. Turmeric pills can be helpful if you need to raise your platelet count, even though prescription drugs can be required in certain situations.


Can ginger increase platelets?

Four of the eight clinical trials that were carried out have demonstrated ginger’s beneficial effect on a decrease in platelet aggregation.

Which fruit is best for platelets?

papaya, kiwi, collard greens, and dark chocolate.

How many days platelets will increase?

Days 4 and 6

Is Kiwi good for platelets?

increase platelet count

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