Can You Get Stretch Marks From Losing Weight?

Can You Get Stretch Marks From Losing Weight?

Stretch marks are visible lines that appear on skin that have stretched as a result of weight gain, but they can also occur as a result of weight loss.
Stretch marks, sometimes called striae, usually show up as discoloured, parallel lines that vary in thickness and length on the skin. Often, they begin as erratic streaks of red, brown, or purple that gradually lighten to a pale colour.
Although stretch marks can appear anywhere on the body, they are more frequently encountered in regions where fat is deposited.
Stretch marks from weight loss are also conceivable, although it is natural that your skin would need to react when you gain weight quickly. In this case, there’s another reason why your skin is extending.

Is it common to develop stretch marks when losing weight?

Up to 90% of people have stretch marks, which is a very typical occurrence. Stretch marks can occur in males as well as females, albeit they are more common in those who were assigned to the feminine gender at birth.
Generally, most people have stretch marks because of fast changes in body growth or significant weight gain. Obesity, puberty, and pregnancy are all conditions that frequently result in stretch marks.
Stretch marks are less prevalent when it comes to weight loss, but they can still occur if your weight changes quickly or dramatically.

What causes stretch marks during weight loss?

Stretch marks that occur following weight reduction are typical “striae distenseae,” a particular kind of mark that is caused by skin stretching. There are other kinds of stretch marks as well, like stirae atrophica, which appears when the skin is too thin.
Your skin can adapt to gradual, gradual weight loss by tightening and contracting. Your skin might not be able to adapt to your altered body composition if you lose weight too quickly or drastically.
The result is extra skin that hangs down and tugs on the surrounding skin, causing tears in the dermis, the skin’s main layer.
Your dermis tears, which cause an inflammatory response and increased blood flow to the area, give rise to new stretch marks that are red, brown, or purple.
The old stretch marks that are identifiable by their pale, visible lines eventually disappear when the tears in the dermis heal and scar over.
Although stretch marks can result after weight reduction in anyone, your risk may be heightened by other variables such as hormones, heredity, and underlying medical disorders.

Do stretch marks become more visible when you lose weight?

After losing weight, stretch marks could become more noticeable for certain people.
Your skin may expand even more if you gain weight quickly—during pregnancy, for example—and get stretch marks. However, you may lose weight quickly after giving a child.
The stretch brought on by loose skin during weight loss may exacerbate the original stretch from the weight gain.
Stretch marks may not always get worse after losing weight. The way that striae develop look, and move depends on your unique situation. Stretch marks can sometimes become less obvious when weight is lost.

Advice on how to reduce stretch marks when losing weight

Although stretch marks are prevalent, you can lessen your risk of getting them after losing weight.

Lose weight slowly

If you lose weight gradually, you are less likely to get stretch marks after weight loss. You give your skin the time it needs to adapt to the changes in underlying tissues by moving slowly and consistently.

Moisturize and massage

A review published in 2022 states that some evidence suggests rubbing moisturisers rich in vitamins into your skin could help avoid stretch marks. It’s unclear, though, which is more beneficial—massaging or moisturising.

Consume skin-friendly foods

Consuming foods that enhance your skin’s suppleness and elasticity may help it resist the strain brought on by weight loss.
The American Pregnancy Association advises consuming a lot of water and emphasising meals that include:
  • zinc
  • silica
  • vitamin E
  • vitamin C
  • vitamins B2 and B3
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Work with a dermatologist

Working with a dermatologist from the beginning can help you preserve the health of your skin if you’re about to embark on a weight loss strategy. Dermatologists are experts in all aspects of skin care for people of all ages. They can also recommend drugs that might help, such as topical creams.

Treatments for stretch marks

Stretch marks can be treated, however not everyone responds well to the same treatment. There is little research to support most ideas.
Topical therapies include:
  • vitamin-rich moisturizers
  • tretinoin cream
  • silicone gels
  • chemical peels
Physical procedures and therapies that are available include:
  • massage
  • microneedling
  • pulsed magnetic fields
  • laser and light therapy
  • radiofrequency therapy
  • microdermabrasion
  • galvanopuncture
  • ultrasonic therapy
  • broadband ultraviolet radiation exposure
Not every treatment option for stretch marks is suitable for certain types of skin. You can work with your dermatologist to determine which treatments are best for your particular skin type.

Do stretch marks ever go away?

After the inflammatory response has subsided and the stretch marks have completely healed, they may eventually become less noticeable.
However, most stretch marks won’t entirely disappear over time due to structural changes in the deeper middle layer of the skin, even with natural skin cell shedding.
Stretch marks can often be made to look better with therapy, depending on the location, size, number, and visibility of the marks. As of now, there isn’t a single method that will eradicate stretch marks.


How can I lose weight without getting stretch marks?

Severe weight fluctuations, such as weight reduction, may result in the formation or intensification of stretch marks. By remaining hydrated, applying a retinol or vitamin C moisturiser, maintaining a nutritious diet, and placing a high priority on gradual weight loss, you can help avoid new stretch marks or reduce the appearance of existing ones.

Can salt remove stretch marks?

For this reason, Dead Sea salt is extremely well-known. When applied correctly, a Dead Sea Scrub can significantly lessen the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite by eliminating dead skin cells.

Can coconut oil heal stretch marks?

Stretch marks can be promptly healed with the use of coconut oil. Research indicates that coconut oil can heal lesions on the skin more quickly.

Bottom line

The striae, or stretch marks, are linked to weight gain as well as decrease. Stretch marks are caused by the pressure of extra skin that tears the dermis, or main layer, of the skin when someone loses weight quickly or significantly.
Stretch marks during weight loss can be avoided by losing weight gradually. However, the likelihood of this skin condition is also increased by hormones, genetics, and other factors.
Although stretch marks typically don’t go away on their own, they might look better thanks to topical treatments and dermatological procedures.

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