Can You Get Soft Tissue Sarcomas in Your Hip?

Can You Get Soft Tissue Sarcomas in Your Hip

An uncommon class of tumours that arise in soft tissue are called soft tissue sarcomas. They can appear practically anywhere on your body, such as in the groyne, thigh, and hip.
In general, soft tissue sarcomas are uncommon; by the end of 2023, there will likely be 13,400 new cases in the US.
Over fifty different forms of soft tissue sarcomas have been identified by scientists, according to the American Cancer Society. They may form in tissues that include:
  • muscle
  • fat
  • fascia
  • deep layers of your skin
  • tendons and ligament
  • blood vessels
  • nerves
It is most usual for soft tissue sarcomas to occur in the arms and legs. Though they can form anywhere on the leg, the upper leg is where they most frequently appear.
Continue reading to find out more about hip soft tissue sarcomas, including its symptoms, possible treatments, and prognosis for sufferers.

What are soft tissue sarcomas of the hip?

The tissue that surrounds your hip, such as the muscle or fat, or the tissue that makes up your hip joint, can develop soft tissue sarcomas.
A 2022 study utilising information from the Iran National Cancer Registry found that between 50 and 60 percent of soft tissue sarcomas occur in the arms or legs. Thighs are the site of about 44% of soft tissue sarcomas that arise in limbs.
The 2022 study’s researchers also discovered that 33% of soft tissue sarcomas in the extremities were detected in the thighs, and 75% of them were found in the legs.

Types of soft tissue sarcomas

The tissue surrounding your hip can develop a variety of soft tissue sarcomas, some of which are as follows:
  • Liposarcoma: Less than 20% of soft tissue sarcomas in the US are liposarcomas, which form in fat cells. Researchers discovered in a 2022 study that 22% of hip or lower limb soft tissue sarcomas were liposarcomas.
  • Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma: An aggressive malignancy known as undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma affects 0.8 to 10 persons per million.
  • Synovial sarcoma: In the US, synovial sarcoma affects 1.77 persons per million and can occur at any place in the body. It typically develops in the arms, legs, and feet, or near joints, and it can occur in a variety of soft tissue types, including muscles and ligaments.
  • Adult fibrosarcoma: Adult fibrosarcoma is an aggressive malignancy that typically affects adults between the ages of 20 and 60 in the arms, legs, or trunk. Usually, tendons or fascia are the source.
  • Alveolar soft-part sarcoma: A rare malignancy called alveolar soft-part sarcoma typically affects young adults. Usually, the legs are where it begins.
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What are the symptoms of soft tissue sarcomas in your hip?

Symptoms of soft tissue sarcomas include:
  • oedema beneath your skin
  • a painless bump that remains stationary
  • suffering as the bulge enlarges
  • pins and needles in your leg, which could be a sign of compressed nerve tissue
Researchers noted that a 17-year-old girl without a history of injuries experienced developing right hip pain and limping due to a rare synovial sarcoma inside her hip joint in a case report from 2020.
Researchers described a 42-year-old man with the same uncommon tumour in a 2023 case study. For seven years, he suffered from hip discomfort that became so severe that he needed a cane to walk.

How do doctors diagnose soft tissue sarcomas in your hip?

Your personal and family medical history will be the first question a doctor will ask you when they start the diagnostic process. In addition, they will examine you physically and inquire about your problems.
Doctors can see the extent of your tumour with the use of imaging tests. Imaging tests consist of:
  • X-rays
  • CT scans
  • ultrasound
  • PET scans
  • MRI scans
A biopsy will be carried out by a physician if imaging indicates the existence of a soft tissue sarcoma or another kind of malignancy. During a biopsy, a tiny sample of tissue is taken so that a specialist may examine the cells under a microscope to determine the type of sarcoma and whether it is sarcoma in the case that it is.

How do doctors treat soft tissue sarcomas in the hip?

Surgery is the primary treatment for soft tissue sarcoma that is restricted to a single tumour. During surgery, the entire tumour and some surrounding healthy tissue are often removed. You could require another surgery to remove more tissue if there is cancerous growth surrounding the excised tissue.
Before having surgery to reduce the tumour, you could require radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or both if your cancer has already spread to nearby tissue. After surgery, radiation therapy can also be required to eradicate any leftover cells.
Rarely are metastatic soft tissue sarcomas treatable once they have spread to other bodily areas. You might be given more recent treatments for certain tumours, such as immunotherapy or medications for targeted therapy.

What is the outlook for people with soft tissue sarcomas in their hip?

The prognosis for individuals suffering from subtypes of soft tissue sarcomas differs significantly. In the United States, between 2010 and 2016, the probability of survival for those with soft tissue sarcomas was around 65% higher than that of individuals without the condition for at least five years.
Soft tissue sarcomas that originate in the arms, legs, or surface of the trunk or body typically have a better prognosis than malignancies that originate in other body areas, according to the Canadian Cancer Society.


A class of tumours known as soft tissue sarcomas can appear practically anywhere on the body. One of the most typical places for them to form is the lower body.
Your doctor might be able to treat your cancer with surgery alone if they catch it early. More advanced cancers may require additional therapies like chemotherapy or radiation therapy.


What are the symptoms of a sarcoma in the hip?

pain and swelling where the tumour is located.

Where are most soft tissue sarcomas found?

Anywhere in the body but often forms in the arms, legs, chest, or abdomen

How do you know if you have soft tissue sarcoma?

A painless lump that becomes larger over time and is difficult to move around could be caused by swelling beneath the skin.

Is sarcoma lump hard or soft?

It can be soft or firm

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