Can You Donate Blood (Plasma) If You Have Obesity?

Can You Donate Blood (Plasma) If You Have Obesity?

Blood donations are accepted from obese people. Even though obesity is associated with certain medical diseases that may prevent you from donating, many obese individuals do not also have health problems.
Many obese persons can give blood, or “plasma.” Blood donation facilities frequently evaluate applicants who are obese on an individual basis and base their decisions on their general health.
Numerous health issues are more likely to occur in an obese individual. Certain medical issues, like hypertension and heart disease, may render a person ineligible to donate blood.

Can you donate blood if you have obesity?

Being obese does not prevent you from giving blood. However, several illnesses and obesity-related variables may make donation impossible.
For instance, most donation centres’ reclining beds and chairs for collecting blood have upper weight and height restrictions built in for safety.
Additionally, before being permitted to donate blood, an obese person’s general health may need to be assessed.
The following variables may affect a donor’s eligibility:
  • blood sugar levels
  • A1C readings
  • blood pressure
  • medical history of obesity-related disorders
To donate, you must have well-managed diabetes. Additionally, blood pressure values must be less than 180/100 mmHg.

What makes someone a good candidate for blood donation?

Anyone who satisfies the prerequisites and is free of qualifying conditions, such as low iron levels, is an excellent candidate to donate blood.
Typical basic donation needs are as follows:
  • having reached at least the age of 17
  • a minimum of 110 pounds in weight
  • being generally well

What factors might disqualify you from donating plasma?

For one or more reasons, some persons might not be able to donate plasma. It’s possible that the following will prevent you from giving plasma:
  • Under age 17: The majority of donation facilities mandate that donors be at least 17 years old.
  • Under the weight limit: The lower weight limit for donation centres is usually 110 pounds. You cannot give plasma if your weight is less than this.
  • Low blood iron: Any sort of blood donation can be dangerous if you have iron deficiency anaemia, which is a low iron content in your blood.
  • An illness that impacts your blood: Blood-related illnesses that prevent you from donating include lymphoma, leukaemia, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C.
  • Taking blood thinners: Blood thinners can make any kind of blood donation risky by increasing bleeding.
  • Very high or very low blood pressure: You will not be eligible to give plasma if your blood pressure is not within the accepted “normal” range. However, transient factors can also contribute to blood pressure measurements. When your blood pressure returns to a normal level, you might be eligible to donate later.
  • Feeling ill: If you have signs of a cold, the flu, or any ailment, you will be requested to return another day.
  • Taking certain antibiotics: Donating is not permitted while taking medicines for an ongoing infection. But if you use antibiotics as a prophylactic, such for acne, you’ll qualify.
  • Recent STI treatment: You will need to wait three months after finishing treatment for a sexually transmitted infection (STI) before you may donate blood.
  • Obtained an organ transplant no more than three months prior.: Donors of organ transplants are eligible to donate plasma and other blood products, but there is a three-month waiting period.
  • Had a blood transfusion within the previous three months: It will also take you at least three months following a blood transfusion to be qualified to give plasma.
  • A pulse below 50 or above 100: A very low or very high pulse can rule you out. Temporary variables, like stress, can influence your pulse, so you may be able to donate later.
  • Pregnancy: The recipient of a plasma donation during pregnancy may be at risk. Donations made while pregnant are not accepted at blood donation facilities.
  • Engaging in specific activities that carry a higher risk: One activity that could be deemed “high risk” is sharing needles when doing drugs. These actions may compromise your blood’s safety.
  • A recent visit to a nation with a high risk of malaria: Plasma donations are not possible for you. if you’ve recently visited or resided in a nation where malaria infection is common. If you’ve recently travelled outside of your nation, you can inform the donation centre and they’ll let you know if there are any limits.
  • Identified as having Ebola at any time: If you have been diagnosed with Ebola in the past, you are not eligible to give plasma or any other blood products.
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How is obesity defined?

A body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more is considered obese. Class II obesity, also known as overweight, is defined as having a BMI between 35 and 40. Class III obesity, or severe or excessive obesity, is defined as having a BMI of more than 40.


Obese people can donate blood. Nonetheless, there is a connection between fat and medical issues that may prevent you from donating blood.
High blood pressure and heart rate are common grounds for disqualification.

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