Can Stomach Ulcers Cause Infertility in People Assigned Female at Birth?

Can Stomach Ulcers Cause Infertility in People Assigned Female at Birth?

Stomach ulcers are not one of the several factors that contribute to infertility in women. There is still a need for more research on the connection between ulcer-causing bacteria and infertility reported in early studies.
Not being able to conceive after a year of trying is known as infertility. It is widespread and impacts both genders. According to a World Health Organisation (WHO) estimate, infertility affects 17.5% of adults globally.
Infertility can have a wide range of causes. You may have heard that individuals assigned to the female gender at birth may become infertile due to stomach ulcers.
Infertility is not caused by stomach ulcers per se; nevertheless, the germs that produce them may be linked to decreased fertility. To find out more, keep reading.

Do stomach ulcers affect fertility in women?

Sores that develop in the stomach lining are called stomach ulcers. They may result in symptoms such as:
  • nausea
  • hemoptysis (coughing up blood)
  • abdominal pain
  • feeling full early after eating
One to six percent of Americans are thought to suffer from stomach ulcers. The most frequent causes are long-term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs) or Helicobacter pylori infection.
In females, stomach ulcers do not directly impact fertility. However, female infertility and H. pylori, a common cause of stomach ulcers, have been connected.

Does H. pylori affect fertility in women?

One species of bacterium is H. pylori. H. pylori is thought to be present in almost half of the world’s population. However, more recent studies have shown that infection rates have been declining.
One of the main causes of stomach cancers and ulcers is H. pylori infection. Although there is little information on these connections, it has also been connected to other medical disorders like diabetes and heart disease.
H. pylori has also been connected by researchers to infertility. The literature on H. pylori and infertility, however, is largely outdated. It’s also critical to remember that there is currently no proof linking H. pylori infection to infertility. Further investigation is required.

Research into H. pylori and female infertility

According to a 2002 study, the rate of H. pylori infection was higher in infertile individuals (49.1%) than in non-infertile adults (33.5%).
Another 2008 study discovered that those experiencing infertility who had one or more infertility risk factors had a lower rate of H. pylori infection than those without a known reason. However, there was no statistically significant change.
Research conducted in 2002 and 2011 discovered that sperm and antibodies to H. pylori in blood, ovarian fluid, or cervical mucus interacted. In addition, a 2016 study found that those with a stomach illness and H. pylori had more anti-sperm antibodies than people in good health.
According to the aforementioned research, these antibodies may impede the development of sperm, which could lead to female infertility. Sperm would find it more difficult to fertilise your egg as a result.
Last but not least, a 2014 study discovered that people with reproductive issues had greater rates of H. pylori infection, especially those who expressed CagA. However, the researchers of the study also suggested that more research be done to look into the possible impact of H. pylori on human fertility.

Research summary: More investigation is required to confirm the possible link between H. pylori infections and infertility.

Higher incidences of H. pylori infection have been reported in infertile individuals in earlier studies. Antibodies linked to H. pylori infection have the potential to react with sperm. Additionally, some studies have connected H. pylori to PCOS.
Overall, not much is known about the relationship between H. pylori and female infertility. There is still a great deal we don’t know. To learn more about the potential relationship between H. pylori and infertility, more research in this field is required.

What other health conditions affect fertility in women?

Numerous additional medical disorders can impact a woman’s ability to conceive. Several elements of the female reproductive system may be impacted by these.
Certain medical problems cause ovulation to be disrupted. Without ovulation, there isn’t an egg available for fertilisation. The following illnesses may have an impact on ovulation:
  • PCOS
  • obesity
  • premature ovarian insufficiency is a condition in which the ovaries quit functioning before the age of 40
  • illnesses affecting your pituitary or hypothalamus, which control hormones essential to ovarian function
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Your fallopian tube must carry a fertilised egg to your uterus. This can be prevented by certain medical disorders that can damage or obstruct your fallopian tubes. Among them are:
  • When lining tissue from your uterus grows outside of it, it is called endometriosis.
  • Prior illnesses, such as gonorrhoea and chlamydia
Finally, for development to start, a fertilised egg must be implanted in your uterus. Certain medical issues, such as the following, can make this not occur correctly:
  • uterine fibroids, sometimes known as polyps, are uterine growths that are not malignant.
  • congenital alterations to the uterine structure
  • before infections that may have damaged or left scars


Infertility in females is not caused by stomach ulcers. However, infertility and H. pylori, the type of bacterium that causes stomach ulcers, have been related.
Studies have indicated that there is a higher prevalence of H. pylori infection in infertile individuals. Additionally, it has been noted that individuals with H. pylori may have antibodies that interfere with sperm function, decreasing the chance of fertilisation.
There are numerous established causes of female infertility, even if a direct connection between H. pylori and infertility has not yet been established.
Consult a physician or other healthcare provider if you’re experiencing infertility issues to address your worries. They can assist in identifying potential causes of infertility and then collaborate with you to create a strategy to increase your chances of becoming pregnant.


Can an ulcer prevent a woman from getting pregnant?

The existence of a peptic ulcer does not influence the reproductive function of the otherwise normal female ulcer patient.

Can laptops cause infertility in females?

This is because we are not in much danger of destroying eggs from radiant heat. After all, our ovaries are highly insulated against high temperatures.

Are stomach ulcers genetic?

Peptic ulcers often run in families

Is stomach ulcer a lifetime disease?

Peptic ulcers used to be able to persist for several years or even a lifetime.

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