What Is Weekend Migraine?

Weekend Migraine

Weekend migraines, also known as let-down migraines, generally strike on weekends, frequently following a busy workweek. Episodes are frequently brought on by schedule changes between the weekdays and weekends.

Weekend migraine attacks can happen as a result of a rapid release of tension and stress that has accumulated over the week, causing a sort of let-down effect. Because of this, it is also known as a let-down migraine. This abrupt increase in tension can result in a migraine attack.
Let’s examine the causes, signs, and symptoms of weekend migraine, as well as their treatment, ways to avoid future attacks, and when to see a doctor.

What causes let-down migraine headaches?

An abrupt drop in stress is the main cause of a let-down or weekend migraine attack. It may come as a surprise, but your body responds to the abrupt change from a state of high tension to one of relaxation.
Your body releases the hormone cortisol while you’re under stress, which aids in stress management and may lessen discomfort. However, as soon as the stress goes away, your cortisol levels drop, making you more sensitive to pain. This might start an episode.
Other typical causes consist of:
  1. Anxiety: A high level of anxiety can make headaches more likely to occur frequently.
  2. Changes in sleep patterns: Headaches can be brought on by both insufficient sleep and too much sleep.
  3. Seed oils: Certain dietary habits can either raise or lessen the likelihood of experiencing a migraine attack. Inflammatory seed oils, such as vegetable or canola oil, for instance, raise your omega-6 levels. This causes a 40% increase in your migraine risk.
  4. Lack of protein intake: Throughout the week, eating less protein and omega-3 fats raises your risk of developing migraines.
  5. Carbohydrates and sugar: Insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and migraine all share a connection. Consuming bread, sweets, or other carbohydrates during the workweek may make you more likely to experience an episode after your cortisol levels start to fall.
  6. Caffeine withdrawal: You can get a let-down migraine episode if you’re used to drinking a lot of coffee throughout the week but suddenly cut back on the weekends.
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What are the symptoms of weekend migraine?

Weekend migraine episodes generally manifest on the weekends or after stressful times when people are relaxing. Weekend migraine symptoms are comparable to those of ordinary migraine episodes. The following are some signs you might experience:
  • excessive yawning and cravings for eating, especially before a migraine attack
  • pulsing headache on one side of the head with a throbbing discomfort
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • sensitivity to both sound and light
  • visual anomalies, like an aura

How do you get rid of weekend migraine headaches?

Numerous therapies can ease headache symptoms and lessen their intensity. Here are a few possibilities:
  • Pain relievers: Ibuprofen and other over-the-counter (OTC) medications can offer relief. If OTC pills don’t work, your doctor can potentially recommend harsher painkillers.
  • Triptans: Doctors frequently recommend triptans, such as rizatriptan, for the treatment of severe migraine because they can block pain pathways in the brain.
  • Dihydroergotamines: For episodes that continue for more than 24 hours, dihydroergotamines are particularly useful. There are numerous types available, including injections, intravenous fluid, and nasal sprays.
  • Anti-nausea medications: Anti-nausea drugs can help you manage your symptoms if your migraine episodes include nausea.
  • Preventive medications: A doctor might suggest preventative drugs before the weekend if you frequently experience migraine attacks on the weekends.
Your symptoms, the intensity of your headaches, and how frequently they occur will all influence what is most effective for you.

Can you prevent weekend migraine episodes?

Here are some useful suggestions to help you avoid migraine headaches this weekend:
  • Keep stress levels steady: A let-down migraine can be brought on by a rapid decrease in stress. After the week, try to unwind gradually rather than going from a stressful situation to a relaxing one. You might also think about finding a new career, working from home, or lowering your work-related stress.
  • Maintain a consistent sleep schedule: Even on weekends, try to maintain a regular wake-up and bedtime. Sleep irregularities can cause migraines.
  • Stay hydrated: Dehydration may cause migraine attacks. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, particularly if you’re active or the weather is warm.
  • Manage caffeine intake: Don’t substantially cut back on your weekend coffee intake if you consume coffee during the week to avoid developing a caffeine withdrawal headache.
  • Reduce alcohol intake: There is a connection between drinking and migraines. It’s unclear, though, how much alcohol can influence migraine attacks. Limiting consumption could lessen episodes’ severity or frequency.
  • Reduce inflammation: Take into account cutting out added sugar, processed carbs, and seed oils from your diet.
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What functions for one individual may not function for you. Understanding your migraine causes and talking to your doctor about them is beneficial.

When to contact a doctor

Even while the occasional migraine attack might not be cause for concern, you should visit a doctor if the attacks worsen. Here are some scenarios when you might want to think about seeing a doctor:
  • Increased frequency: You suffer from headaches on more than four days per month.
  • Severity: You’re experiencing more headaches than normal.
  • Medication use: To treat your headaches, you must take painkillers more than twice a week.
  • Ineffectiveness of medication: If even taking medicine, your migraine symptoms don’t seem to be getting better.
  • Change in symptoms: Your current headache is more severe than it was in the past or is lasting longer than usual.


Let-down or weekend migraine episodes commonly happen when your routine drastically changes from the week to the weekend. High-stress periods at work that conclude on Friday are the most frequent cause.
Even though there are various therapies available, you might want to think about non-prescription alternatives, such as lowering your stress level, to stop bouts.


What type of migraine lasts for days?

Status migrainous

What is the longest migraine?

72 hours

What organs do migraines affect?

The brain

What is the most painful migraine?

Cluster headaches

What are the 4 stages of migraine?

Prodrome, aura, attack and post-drome

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