Is Obesity Genetic or Environmental?

Obesity has a variety of underlying causes, most of which are a combination of environmental and genetic variables. When excess body fat builds up to a dangerous level, it is referred to as obesity, a chronic health problem. Although this can signify different things to different people, body mass index (BMI), which is a measurement … Read more

What Is Antithrombotic Therapy?

The goal of antithrombotic therapy is to stop blood clots before they cause major harm. Emergency thrombolytics, aspirin, and heparin are examples of anticoagulants and antiplatelets, respectively. When a blood clot forms in an artery or vein, it is known as thrombosis. Problems may arise if the clot stops blood flow to your cells and … Read more

What Triggers Hair Pulling in Children (Trichotillomania), and What Can You Do?

When things get stressful, some kids turn to pulling their hair as a coping technique. If this behaviour turns into a compulsive habit, it can be trichotillomania. Although many kids play with their hair, persistent and compulsive pulling may indicate trichotillomania in young children. This psychological disorder is characterised by persistent, compulsive urges to remove … Read more

Can MS Symptoms Fluctuate Throughout the Day?

MS symptoms might change during the day, including fatigue and stiffness in the muscles. In a relapse, they may also fluctuate for several days or weeks. However each person’s experience of how the symptoms evolve can be very different. Progressive MS is an immune-mediated illness. It can cause harm to multiple brain and spinal cord … Read more

Does a Keto Diet Help Epilepsy?

A medical expert might suggest a ketogenic diet as an additional epilepsy treatment strategy. Potential advantages vary depending on the kind of epilepsy, age, and the frequency and intensity of seizures. The neurological condition known as epilepsy is typified by recurrent seizures. Abnormal activity in the brain causes these seizures, which can cause a variety … Read more

How to Prevent Gout and Future Flares

Modifying your diet, way of life, and medicine regimen may be the best strategy to stop gout from forming or lessen the likelihood of flare-ups. An excruciating kind of inflammatory arthritis is gout. Although it’s a chronic illness, there may be periods when symptoms escalate, known as flares. Certain risk factors could increase your susceptibility … Read more

What Are the Treatment Options for Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL)?

Treatment advances for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma may help those with this kind of cancer live longer. Among non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most prevalent kind. Lymphocytes, which are white blood cells, are where non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma develops. One particular kind of white blood cell is the B cell. The B cells … Read more

What’s Involved in an Asthma Diagnosis?

Spirometry is one breathing test that doctors might perform to confirm a diagnosis of asthma. For younger children, a diagnosis may be made based only on a review of the symptoms. Asthma is a chronic lung disease that affects around 25 million Americans, or 8% of the total population. Asthma sufferers frequently encounter episodes of … Read more