What Is Lumbar Degenerative Kyphosis?

Elderly people are more likely to develop LDK, especially if they have a history of stooping or physically demanding labor. An illness of the spine called lumbar degenerative kyphosis (LDK) is frequently observed in the elderly. The degenerative alterations in the bones and muscles of the spine cause an abnormal forward curve of the lower … Read more

What Are the Stages of Mitral Valve Regurgitation?

Physicians divide the regurgitation of the mitral valve into four stages that progress. Although symptoms usually don’t show up until the end, early detection and intervention can help halt the disease’s course.The condition known as mitral regurgitation, also known as mitral valve regurgitation, occurs when the mitral valve malfunctions and blood escapes the heart out … Read more

Can Heatstroke Cause Diarrhea?

Heatstroke and other heat-related disorders are distinguished by specific symptoms such as confusion, a high body temperature, an accelerated pulse, and diarrhea. Heatstroke is a form of heat-induced disease. Unlike heat exhaustion or heat cramps, it is always considered a medical emergency. If you suspect you or someone you’re with is suffering from heatstroke, seek … Read more

Understanding the Connection Between Early Menopause and Heart Disease Risk

Understanding the Connection Between Early Menopause and Heart Disease Risk Because estrogen levels drop quickly during early menopause, there is an increased risk of heart disease. The risk of heart disease has been discovered to be considerably increased by early menopause, or menopause that happens before the age of 45. Generally speaking, estrogen protects heart … Read more

Eczema in Asian Skin: What You Need to Know

Asian skin types are more likely than lighter skin types to have eczema as itchy, scaly, irritated patches that are grey, purple, or darker brown. When compared to pale skin tones, Asian skin types may exhibit distinct eczema symptoms. Because of these variations, diagnosing eczema on the skin of colour can be challenging because certain … Read more

Acne: Diagnosis and treatment

 Consult your doctor about prescription-strength drugs if you’ve used over-the-counter (nonprescription) acne remedies for a few weeks and they haven’t helped. A dermatologist can assist: Control your acne Make scars less noticeable Avoid scarring or other damage to your skin Medication for acne works by either curing bacterial infections or lowering oil production and puffiness. … Read more

Why You May Have a Fever After Chemotherapy

Numerous adverse effects are associated with chemotherapy. Following their treatments, some patients develop a fever, commonly referred to as “chemo fever.” Getting treatment for chemotherapy fever is critical. Chemotherapy-induced neutropenia, a potentially fatal illness, is usually the cause of chemotherapy-induced fevers because it reduces the body’s natural defenses against infection: white blood cells. After receiving … Read more

Coronary Artery Disease vs. Acute Coronary Syndrome

Three forms of coronary artery disease are referred to as acute coronary syndrome. They’re all related to the potentially fatal accumulation of plaque in the arteries supplying blood to the heart muscle. Reduced blood flow to the heart muscle is referred to as coronary artery disease (CAD) or acute coronary syndrome (ACS), a condition that … Read more

Can Essential Oils Help with MRSA?

Certain essential oils contain therapeutic qualities that could aid in the treatment of bacterial infections, including MRSA. Nevertheless, more investigation is still required to verify the efficacy. When applied directly to the skin, several essential oils, such as lavender and lemongrass, have demonstrated potential as antibacterial therapies for diseases including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Nevertheless, … Read more